I modeled my character Star Belly in Maya and then uploaded it to

I chose two materials to experiment with;
Detailed and
strong and flexible.

The figurine on the left is made out of the detailed material. It has a smoother surface making it easier to paint on. The figurine on the right is made out of the strong and flexible material. It captures more detail but also highlights more flaws. It has a rougher and more porous surface making it harder to work with.

Painting time. I should have purchased more appropriate paints and brushes..

Snape, Star Belly and an owl

I need to do more research into pricing and printing possibilities. I love painting things by hand, but it would also be cool to paint the model digitally in Mudbox and have the 3D printer produce full colour versions. As far as I know printing tonally/coloured gradients isn't available yet.

I'm looking forward to when printing prices come down so I can build my army of Star Bellies. Mwahaha! >:)